May 03, 2019


You know you have amazing friends when they drag their families out in 90 degree weather to celebrate pride with you!
And not only that, they even planned the event for you, even though they are straight. I love my friends. I haven't been to pride since 2006, so it's definitely been a while.
Fox was so excited to wear his rainbow shirt. He picked it out a few months ago and it's his favorite shirt lately.

Love these ladies so much! Tiffany even went to Target that morning to find herself a rainbow shirt!

Waiting for the parade to start.

It was such a hot day and I'm glad that Fox begged me to buy him a rainbow umbrella there because it sure helped with the heat!

The kids were super excited to collect candy and other little trinkets from the floats and we came home with a full bag of stuff.
It was a great morning to teach our kids about equality!

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