December 13, 2018

Finn | 4 Month Update

December 1st, 2018
13 lbs, 2 oz

25 inches

I'm very grateful for his health!

Finny, Finnegan, Bubbas, Handsome

During the day he is still very consistently eating every 2-3 hours, at night it could either be great or a shit show. Katie's mom watched him every day for a week this month and he took bottles with pumped milk great for her, but has been refusing the bottles with Katie. I like to breastfeed him whenever I can, but it would also be nice to be able to go out longer than a 2-3 hour stretch.

I think we are starting the dreaded 4-month sleep regression, because nights have been not what they're used to be. He wakes up between 1-3 times a night, I know it could be worse, but it has also been better. He still goes to bed around 7pm and usually wakes up around 6:30-7am.

Size 1

3 Month Clothes

Just like his big brother, he loves getting attention! His smiles light up the room and we are even getting a few giggles here and there. He recently started to "talk" to us and it's the sweetest sound. Fox is his favorite and he loves to watch him and when Fox talks to him. He also still enjoys music class and seeing other babies.

Bath time, being held, being swaddled to sleep, nursing, being held over my shoulder, chewing on his hands, his big brother, his play mat, singing, music class, looking at himself in the mirror, laying on his changing table and looking at his mobile, rocking, smiling, getting attention, the song "Bells are ringing" and "You are my sunshine"

Tummy Time, car rides (sometimes)

Seeing my last baby grow older has been very hard on me. I would have five more if I could. I love every minute of it, even the times where he doesn't want to be put down or when he wakes up multiple times a night.

He is the best big brother ever! I'm so relieved that he hasn't shown any jealousy and loves his baby brother! Sometimes it's hard for him to wait his turn, like when he wants to play with me and I need to feed Finn first, he'll say stuff like "He doesn't need to eat!". He made a wish at a wishing fountain that we can have another baby in our family, that was just about the sweetest thing I ever heard!

Fun things we did:
We went to Disneyland with Finn for the first time and he was as easy going as ever. We also celebrated his first Thanksgiving, saw Santa, went to Music class, the aquarium and Legoland, a Christmas Resort where we rode a train and he went to the movie theater for the first time (we saw the Grinch)!

What we’re looking forward to:
All things Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. That picture of him in the sleigh is a heart-melter! Finn seems like such an easy going baby and what a blessing that is! Will has been the same way and we are just so thankful! Lucky little dude to be able to go to Disneyland already! The perks of having an older sibling. :)


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