These are the only pictures every year that Katie not only takes voluntarily but also WANTS to take. Must be something about wearing jammies.
I can not believe there are four people in this picture! Truly a dream come true for me and one of those "Holy shit, I have two kids!" kind of moments!
I can't believe how smily Mr. Finn was for these pictures. I'm telling you, our photographer is magic!
She texted me this sneak peak picture late that night and I love it so much, I already blew it up for our family wall and had it printed on my credit card.
I mean, look at these freaking lucky am I?
Snowball Fight!
Fox was all about it!
These pictures took like ten minutes and I love every single one of them.
If you're local, check out Packer Family Photography, she is amazing!
Awwwww these ARE really cute! Look at those jammies wearing cuties! The sneaky grin snowball fight is perfect.