November 12, 2020

September iPhone Dump

Another month, another iPhone dump. 
Finn put on my shoes and was so proud of himself!

He has the biggest personality and I love all of his facial expressions.

Lately, one of his favorite snacks has been apples. Sometimes he eats the whole thing and sometimes he only takes a few bites and then asks for a new apple a few hours later. 

I took a solo trip to Michigan to visit a friend and it was a much needed break from the heat.

We went to a pumpkin patch and had some donuts and apple cider.  It was such a cute patch, but it felt really odd being there without my kids.

One of my favorite things to do in Michigan is just to drive around and look at all of the houses and neighborhoods. They look so different than the ones in Arizona and I love their style. I also loved seeing all the deer in the yards, definitely not something you can find in Phoenix. 

It was Labor Day weekend and my friend's family came over for dinner, we all sat outside on her deck and it just felt very "American" to me, the guys throwing a football, some people were kayaking and again, I kept thinking about how much fun my boys would have there too. Maybe next year!

Such a beautiful view!

We celebrated Grandma Rene's birthday at our house one night. Finn helped me make her favorite cake, red velvet. 

Fox has been so sweet to Cosie lately, we've been having him over more frequently lately and it's good to have him back.

Fox gets very sensitive whenever he wants to cuddle with Finn, but Finn doesn't want to. So he snuck in some sleeping cuddles instead.

We celebrated Mia's 4th birthday with a few friends and a water slide. These kids always have so much fun together.

Distance learning sometimes looks like this at our house. 

We like to decorate early around here, so these went up in the middle of September. Sorry neighbors!

Fox was trying to complete some homework while Finn was taking a bath. Apparently Finn needed some cuddles once he got out...sweet boy!

Impromptu playdate and dinner with some friends...I love nights like these. 

One morning I went into my office, where Fox does his schoolwork. Our cleaning ladies had just left and I noticed some hair on the ground. I was starting to think that they didn't vacuum the room and thought it was our dog's hair...but after further inspection I realized that it wasn't dog hair and that there was much more the closer I got to Fox's desk.

"Are you proud of me, Mama?" he asked. Mr. Fox decided that he should cut his own hair during a live zoom call with his teacher because "it was bothering him". At first I was laughing, but then I remembered that we had family pictures scheduled the next month. Oh well, it'll be a funny story to look back on one day. 

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