July 09, 2022

May iPhone dump

May is always a hectic month at our house, between the end of the school year, Mother's Day, Fox's birthday and my birthday, and it seemed to fly by in a flash.

Fox was so happy when I showed him the decoration I made for his Minecraft birthday party. I really love how appreciative he was of everything I made or bought. 

Pool season has begun! May is definitely still too cold for me to go into the pool, but the kids loved it.

One of our last playground trips while Fox was still in school.

This kid has no personality at all.

We've had lots and lots of pool days.

Fox doesn't really play with any toys anymore. He has his "lego station" and he reads, but that's about it.

I posted this picture on facebook with this caption, so I'm leaving it here as well so it can make it into my blog book:
10 days. The amount of time I have left with my sweet, opinionated, cuddly, funny, and sometimes exhausting sidekick. Summer break is starting soon for Fox, and come August Finn will start preschool, so there’s exactly ten days left with just him and I. The last almost four years have been the absolute hardest, but also very best years of my life. I was lucky enough to spend every single day with my baby, and live my dream as a stay and work at home mom. There were so many visits to the aquarium, zoo, butterfly wonderland, museums, play places, walks, playgrounds, and play dates with friends, and I’m grateful for every single one of them. None of this would’ve been possible without the support from Katie and her family, and I will never take the time I was given for granted. I don’t think either of us is fully ready for this new chapter, but the time for new adventures is almost here. So for now I will cherish these last bittersweet days of just us, but I know I will never forget the special time I had with my adventure buddy, and be forever grateful for the ones who made it possible.

I decided to get crafty for Mother's Day and made this sign for my mother in law.

He is ready for the lake!

First drive in movie for my kids, and we invited a friend and her son to join us. We saw "Bad guys", ate lots of snacks and stayed out way past bedtime.

Fox and his cousin Ryker on Mother's Day.

We went to the splash pad one morning while Fox was in school.

I think this was our last Tuesday playdate with our friends Marcela and Simon. In the fall, both boys will be in school full-time, and I won't be able to see my friend every week anymore. The kids are growing up!

Tilly and I took all of our boys to glow in the dark golfing, followed with dinner, and the kids sat at their own table for the first time.

Fox got these gaming headphones from his friend Jake for his birthday. He thought he was so cool and grown up with them! He really is.

S'mores in the backyard!

Until next month...

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