December 08, 2017

November Re-cap

I figured if I don't do these monthly re-caps, then I never get my pictures off my phone and into my blog book, so here we go!

Fox had "Daddy Day" at school, so we asked Grandpa if he could make it for a little bit. He promised he would try, but he works far away, so I didn't think it would happen...until school sent us this picture! Such an amazing grandpa that he made time in his busy day to be there for his little guy.

He also had "Grandparents Day" that same week, so his other grandparents joined him for story time. 

Fox made a best friend at school. All by himself. These two are so cute together and the feeling is definitely mutual. Dylan's Mom sent me a video one time of Dylan saying that he wants to come play at Fox's house and that he loves Fox. So sweet! 
This picture was taken at a classmate's birthday party at the park and it totally melts my heart. So proud of him for making a "best buddy" (as he calls it) all by himself.

I mean, come on, how cute are they together?

After 3.5 years, we finally had to turn around Fox in his car seat and he is now forward facing, since he reached the weight limit. It makes me a little nervous, but he loves to be able to see everything and asks a million questions when we drive to school, like: What does that sign say? What do those letters mean? Why is this car passing us? Why don't you have a Moon Roof Mama...Mommy has a Moon Roof!
One day, I turned around at a red light and saw this...he looks so grown up!

Bed Time has been a struggle lately, with Fox calling us every 2 minutes to come into his room, because he has questions. And when we go in there, he needs to think about said questions or asks us to watch him drink water. Some nights are better than others, but man, it's been rough, because sometimes this cycle goes on and on for over an hour. 

Enough said...we like Christmas  around here!

One night, a few of my friends and I met up for dinner and a movie. We overstayed our welcome at the restaurant, saw "A bad mom's christmas" and shared a lot of laughs. It was such a fun night. 

We had a lot of playdates with his BFF this month. Thankfully, his Mama is just as sweet as her son and we are all having a lot of fun together. 

I can already see it, 13 years from now, can't you? Time needs to slow down!

Love to get pictures like this when I'm at work. This is Dylan's mom and she sent me this picture of the boys and her after she dropped of her son. It makes me so happy to see him having so much fun at school. 

Before Thanksgiving, Fox came home with a lot of goodies that he had made in school. These kind of things are so special to me, I'll probably look at them in 20 years, crying my eyes out because my little boy is all grown up. 

We took Fox to the Hallmark store to pick out his own ornament for the tree (our yearly tradition) and it took him a while to pick, but we loved watching him making that choice. 

These are the days I want to remember forever, which is exactly why I took a picture of the moment, because he doesn't do this very often!

We usually celebrate Thanksgiving in Mexico, but stayed in town this year to celebrate with Katie's other side of the family. 

We all had a great day and an awesome dinner!

The day after Thanksgiving, we had tickets to see PJ Masks Live. If you remember, Fox had a PJ Masks birthday party this year and while he doesn't watch the Show anymore, he loves to play with the characters and toys we have. We all dressed up in our PJ Masks shirts from his party. 

I thought the Show was pretty cheesy, but Fox enjoyed it, so that's all that counts. 

Just for the record, when I pulled out that sled, he asked to sit in it by himself and asked me to take his video while he sings the ABC song. I happily obliged. 

Remember that sled? Three years have gone by in a flash. 

One afternoon, we got some very special visitors from Honduras. Katie's aunt, who is the same age as Katie (you can think about that one for a while...haha), visited with her kids, who we call Fox's cousins. They are four and six and the kids had so much fun destroying the playroom together...ha!
We haven't seen them since Fox turned one, so it was great catching up!

Another playdate with his bestie. Fox is not a hugger, so seeing this was super sweet. 
And that wraps up November!
I'm looking forward to all the memories we'll be making during the holiday season! Love this time of year so much!

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