June 11, 2019

Fox's 5th Birthday Party

This year Fox decided to have a pirate party.
We didn't decide on a location for a long time, because it seemed like every place out there either limits the amount of kids you are allowed to bring to 10 or you can't bring your own food. I hate excluding people and since Fox has allergies, it wouldn't be an option for us to go somewhere that only serves pizza he couldn't have.
So we decided to rent a water slide instead and Fox absolutely loved it! 

Excuse my picture overload, but you know me...ha!

In typical mom guilt fashion, I felt so bad about not going "all out" for this party. I usually start planning his parties in February and this time, I didn't do a single thing until the end of April. Honestly, with the current situation going on, I didn't feel like having a party at all, but of course that's not an option when you have an excited five year old who has been waiting for his party for the last 365 days.

The water slide came a few hours before his party and I was sure he would grow tired of it by the time his friends arrived, but he didn't.

So happy!

It was a gorgeous day, not too hot, but perfect for a water party. Mid May can be hit or miss in Arizona, so it's hard to plan his parties and this is the first outdoor party we ever had.

I make these "chalkboards" for every party and they all hang in my garage. I didn't think that Fox cares much about them, but he reminded me weeks before that we needed to get one for his pirate party.

I brought our small bounce house for the smaller kids and it was a huge hit as well.

Water Balloon Fight!

Grandma Sandie delivered once again with some amazing cupcakes. Can you believe she made all of these herself?

Grandma and Grandpa also brought Fox's pirate ship bed that he uses at their house for sleepovers and all the kids loved it.

I planned a little treasure hunt for the kids to find Fox's big treasure chest that had his piñata inside.

This piñata didn't last long, the second kid cracked it open in no time. We should've let the little kids go first!

Snow Cone Line! My friend owns a snow cone machine, so we borrowed it for his party.

Some of my friends...love them!

I have no idea why these pictures are not in order...but I can't bring myself to sort them, so hang in there!

Singing Happy Birthday!

It was such a fun party and Fox told me he wants to have the same party again next year, so I'm taking that as a compliment. One of my friends actually called me the next day and told me that her son left the party and told her it was the best party ever...haha.

I planned to think about Finn's birthday party after Fox's party, but again, with everything going on, I have no energy to plan a party that he won't even remember. Do I feel guilty about it? 100%. Fox's 1st birthday party was such a big deal and even my friends can't believe I'm not throwing him a party, but I don't have it in me. When Fox was little, he had a bunch of baby friends, but Finn's only friend is this little girl right here...so maybe we'll just do something small. I don't know. Please tell me it's okay to skip the party this year...haha!


  1. It´s totally fine! Wie du schon sagst, Finn wird sich nicht erinnern. Warum nicht mit den Menschen bei denen er sich freut sie zu sehen (das süße Girl auf dem Bild, Fox, Grandparents usw.) einen ganz gemütlichen Nachmittag verbringen :) P.S. vielleicht mache ich zu meinem 28. Geburtstag auch eine Kopie von Fox Party. Sieht nach einer Menge Spaß aus!

  2. Wow, E wuerde dich auch am naechsten Tag anrufen und sagen, dass das die beste Party der Welt war! Die Piratenschiffrutsche? Der Hammer!
    Ich wuerde fuer Finn eine Geburtagsparty machen, denn spaeter wenn er die Bilder und Fotos von Fox's Party sieht, wird er Fragen stellen. Party? Ja. So gross und aufwendig? Noe, muss nicht sein. Hauptsache Finn steht im Mittelpunkt.

  3. That's an AMAZING party and is that your backyard? It's gorgeous!!!

    I've been reading for a while but rarely post comments. I blog too but only seem to manage to get out one a month right now.

    I wanted to say that I'm sorry about everything you're going through but you are an amazing mom and so strong! Your kids are wonderful and you can tell that you're giving them an incredible life.

    I have a blog too if you want an invite just send me an email stacey_bourgeois@hotmail.com

  4. Dear Nadine,

    I've never commented here before. But wanted to take amount to tell you I think you are so BRAVE! I imagine you hate hearing that. You don't want to have to be brave. And what choice do you have. Your deep love for your sons is very apparent in every detail, big and small. In how you celebrate them in the every day. I have been here for so long. Since before aFox was born. I found you through a link up from another blog on fertility. You were just barely pregnant with Fox. You are doing a wonderful job carrying this load given the blow you have been dealt. I am so sorry for your broken heart, but admire the way you persevere for your boys. It must be hard to have to celebrate together. You don't seem to let your personal hurt& pain get in the way of doing what is right by Fox & Finn. My comment isn't coming together as I had hoped. Its a little all over the place. I just wanted you to know this stranger has been praying for you, wishing you peace and helming, strength for your boys, and when the time is right, maybe love again. I will end the way I started, You are so brave Nadine. Fox and Finn are very, very fortunate to be loved ad nurtured by you. I hope you are finding time to take care of yourself. Remember, self care is not selfish!


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