June 21, 2019

Finn | 10 Month Update

18lbs 5oz.

28 inches

Luckily he was healthy all month long!

Finny, Finnegan, Bubbas, Handsome, Beef, Big Beef, Honey, Big Boy, Stinky-pants

Not much has changed since last month. He eats three solid meals a day and maybe a snack in between. I nurse him 4-5 times a day and usually once in the middle of the night. He loves smoothies, apple sauce, vegetable pouches, chicken fried rice, pasta, oatmeal and yogurt. He's pretty good about trying new things and will eat almost anything, but those things are his favorites.

He got one more tooth this month and has a total of 8 now. That's two more than Fox had at age one!

He takes one great nap in the morning around 10am that can last anywhere between 1-2 hours. The second nap of the day is harder for him and we often take it while in the car, because we are out and about for activities. If it's a car nap, he will nap as long as I keep driving, so usually it's not very long, if he naps at home, it can be 30 minutes or up to two hours, it's very unpredictable! 

Size 3

9-12 months

Mama is still his favorite and sometimes he cries and reaches for me when someone else tries to hold him or I try to leave the room. He talks to us all the time and his first official word this month was MAMA. Yay! Fox's first word was dog, even though I tried to ignore it.

Putting everything in his mouth, Bath time, being carried, nursing, his big brother, singing, smiling, getting attention, the song "I am here" by Pink (seriously...whenever I tell "Alexa" to play it, he knows what's coming and he starts to get so excited), dancing, chewing on anything he can get his hands on, standing and walking (while we hold him), kisses, swinging, dogs, pulling my hair, necklaces, biting me, my water bottle, big kid toys, being in the Ergo, sharing my Granola bar with me, sleeping on his side, taking pictures (maybe I'm making this one up, but I swear he always gets the biggest smile when I have my big camera out), playing with drawer handles, my phone, walking with his walker, Roomba

Being on his stomach (unless he's sleeping), not getting constant attention, diaper changes and getting dressed

I want more babies! The baby fever is going strong....ugh!

He's still such a great brother. They are actually starting to play a little bit together and Fox can't wait for Finn to be older so that they can really play. He does get frustrated when Finn destroys his lego or magnatiles creations and asks me to put him somewhere else, but that's completely understandable. I would be pissed too...haha. He's voicing a lot of concerns lately how it is not fair that Finn doesn't have any allergies and he does. It's not like I feed Finn anything super yummy that Fox couldn't have, for the most part they eat exactly the same (besides eggs), but it's still bothering him. 

Fun things we did:
So hard to remember! Lots of outings with Big Brother, lots of playdates, we attended Fox's graduation, celebrated Fox's birthday a few times and played a lot at home.

1 comment:

  1. Baby fever is real. Ugh! All the babies!

    The 10 with the cars pic is brilliant! So cute!!!


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