August 01, 2021

May iPhone Dump

Wrapping up the month of May!
We were driving to our friend's house and I turn around and see this. I have no idea why he did it, but I thought it was hilarious.

Finn and I went to the Butterfly Wonderland quite a few times.

Not sure if they are loving on each other or fighting. They were having fun, but usually one of them (Finn) will get hurt in the end.

We celebrated Mother's Day with one side of Katie's family and had dinner at the Spaghetti Factory. Katie and I used to eat there all the time before kids, and I hadn't been in years, but it was not great. My favorite part was when we walked out of the restaurant. Katie and I were both holding Finn's hand, while Christina  (Katie's girlfriend) and Fox were walking behind us. All of the sudden Katie exclaimed: "Look at us...such a modern family!" It was a great reminder of where we've been and how far we've come.

Another morning visiting the butterflies and koi.

I found him like this when I went to bed. Not sure what he was trying to make me right before bed...ha!

Beautiful flowers I received for my birthday.

My friend made me a hangover kit for my birthday weekend with the girls, I thought it was so sweet and funny.


Rocking babies, even when they are not mine, will always be my favorite.

He was out to the world, Fox and I tried to wake him up for about 30 minutes, and nothing could get that kid up. So Fox decided to build some magna tiles on top of him.

This was Fox's big birthday present from me. A "crazy car". It drives really fast and can spin around like crazy. He loves it. I wish it wasn't so hot out, and we could use it more often right now.

It’s the end of an era in the Jones house. For the first time in 7.5 years I won’t have a crib in my house and I’m feeling all the feels. This guy is excited for a big boy bed...wish me luck that he’ll actually sleep in it!

Fox had a school event at a kids play place, and Finn was happy to be along for the ride.
And that wraps up our busy month of May.

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