January 09, 2023

October iPhone dump

Some of our October in pictures!
Our friend Allison came back from Michigan and she's, without a doubt, Finn's bestie.

He loved doing puzzles, all day, every day.

He also has the best facial expressions!

Fox got an Osmo when he was five, so I pulled it out to see if Finn would enjoy it, and he liked the tangram, and letter games on it.

He's my trouble maker, or "Master of Disaster" as we like to call him.

We spent some time driving around town to look at Halloween decorations, and this one is a favorite every year, since it's synchronized to music.

I took Fox on a one on one date to the Great Wold Lodge, and him and I had the best time.

Halloween violin concert at the zoo.

I hosted a Hocus Pocus party, and I guess I only took pictures before everyone showed up, so there you go.

There is a kid friendly haunted house in our area, and I took the boys there last year. Finn loved it back then, and Fox opted to not go in. So this year, I asked the boys if they wanted to go, and Finn was all about it, but Fox chose to stay home with Katie. 

He got a little nervous when he saw the outside decorations, but was still determined to go in.

Turns out, this was our last time there for a long time, because Finn was terrified. He didn't cry, but he kept saying "I don't like this". Luckily, we ran into one of my friends while waiting in line, and she came in with us, which made it less spooky for both of us. 

Finn's class each got a letter assigned and had to dress up for the Halloween parade according to their letter. Finn got "H", so he chose to be Harry Potter after I gave him some "H" options. He was SO SERIOUS, just look at him!

After the parade, the parents were allowed to come into the classroom for the very first time. We always have to drop him off in front of the building and never get to go into the room, so this was extra special for me to see him in his element and with his friends.

Grandma and Grandpa took the boys to lunch while I was at clinical one day.

It was only a few days before Halloween, when I was finally able to take the boys to the Halloween store to pick out their costumes.
Finn picked "Hot Wheels" of course!

And I have no idea what Fox was supposed to be, and he didn't either, but he liked it, so that's all that's important.

This was our first "Divorced Moms group" meeting, and it was so much fun and good for the soul. We shared about co-parenting, kids, struggles, and successes as a single mom. I love these ladies!
More October adventures coming soon!

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