November 26, 2019

Pumpkin Days!

Like every year, we started off the pumpkin season with almost 100 degrees. But that didn't stop us, after all, we've been waiting for this all year long!

Finn loved picking up all the pumpkins he could carry and was trying to throw them around like balls.

Finn doesn't know any better yet, but Fox was running away from the camera as usual.

All the boys!

In the past, they used this train to drive people to the patch. For whatever reason, they moved the pumpkin patch much closer to the ranch this year, so nobody had to be transported and the train only drove around in a circle, which was kind of lame. But obviously the boys thought otherwise. 

I have this exact picture of Fox at the same age and I remember that day like it was yesterday. Time needs to slow down! 

And just like Fox at that age, Finn "kisses" by bumping someone with his head.

He just loves all animals. Whenever we see a dog or a bird outside, he starts yelling and pointing and smiles so big.

This is the second year Fox rode the bull and he did so great! He remembered it from last year and was so proud that he was able to stay on longer this time.

It was a short visit to the patch, but I'm glad our friends could join us and that everyone had fun!

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