July 14, 2021

Fox's Birthday Interview (7 years old)

I ask Fox the same questions for his birthday every year, and always love reading the responses when they come up in my memories, so here we go:
1. How old are you? 7
2. Who is your best friend? Dylan
3. What is your favorite thing to do? Go to the great wolf lodge with Jake. Or with Dylan and Jake...? That would be a dream!
4. What is your favorite color? Blue
5. What is your favorite food? Sweets
6. What do you like to do with your family? Go to the great wolf lodge with Jake and Dylan. It would be amazing.
7. What is your favorite toy? My whole entire lego station.
8. What do you want to be when you grow up? A race car driver.
9. What makes you happy? Playing prodigy.
10. What makes you sad? Nothing.
11. What is your favorite Show to watch? The deep.
12. What is your favorite book? Every Dogman book in the universe.
13. What do you love to learn about? Nothing.
14. What was the best part of your birthday? Great wolf lodge with Jake
15. What was your favorite birthday present? The crazy cart.
16. Who is your teacher? Miss Waddington
17. Where do you like to go? I like to go to Legoland.
18. What is your favorite treat? My favorite treat is bubblegum.
19. What do you think about before you fall asleep? Just think about sleeping.
20. What does love mean? It means you like really like someone. A lot.

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