January 18, 2024

Thanksgiving in Mexico

My ex-mother in law, and ex-grandma in law both purchased condos in Mexico this year, so all of us were invited to spend Thanksgiving with the entire family there. Katie offered for me to drive with them, and this was my view...two kids who constantly needed to touch me...haha. You know I loved that though!

Their place was absolutely gorgeous, and the beach has always been my happy place. I don't ever take it for granted that I'm still part of their family and included in every single holiday.

We played a lot of UNO on this trip.

Grandma and Finn on the balcony, I love this picture.

Katie, Christina and I took Finn down to the beach after dinner (Fox opted to stay upstairs with grandma).

He really wanted to go into the hot tub, and he had the entire pool area to himself.

The next morning Finn and I went looking for sand dollars and shells.

Cousin time!

We all had Thanksgiving dinner downstairs in one of their community rooms, I think there were about 24 of us, and the boys had fun playing with the other kids there.

I even got some baby snuggles!

Great Grandma wanted to do some tie dye with all the kids. I love that she plans activities with them like this. 

We only stayed for two nights, but we had a great time, and I can't wait to go back!

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