September 09, 2021

July iPhone dump

A look back at our July!

Aquarium visits with friends. Finn and I used to go to the aquarium 3 times a week while Fox was in school, but we only went once this summer, since Fox wasn't too interested in going.

Big boy sleeping in his big boy bed.

I went to a smash room for the first time and this sign cracked me up. I had to send a picture to Katie...she thought it was funny.

It was so much fun, we blasted angry music and destroyed some shit. 

I never get tired of watching my babies sleep. 

Our friends invited us to join them at their community water park and it was so awesome there. 

Finn had the time of his life.

Fox on the other hand needed to be convinced that he could have some fun even though there weren't any friends for him. I didn't know if he would be brave enough to jump off this diving board, but he had zero hesitation and then couldn't get enough.

A beautiful Arizona sunset from the top of a mountain.

It was my friend's Corinne's birthday and she invited me and a couple of other friends to go to the spa.
I had only been to a spa once in my life and I can definitely say that I'm not fancy enough for spa days, I felt really out of place for a while...haha. 

We ate some lunch by the pool and each had a treatment (I had a facial).

It was a really fun day, we were able to relax and catch up.

He still asks to paint regularly and he tells me that we have to hang his artwork in his room.

Glow in the dark mini golf with my friend Tilly and her boys.

The boys' great-grandparents invited us to come swim at their house while their grandson was in town. Fox was too cool for the water balloon fight, but Finn was into it.

Game night with just the big kid. I love playing games, but I basically have to force Fox to play games, he would always choose playing legos over games.

This is Finn's new big boy bed. I had it picked out for Fox when he was only two years old, but when he turned three and we let him pick out a bed, he chose the space ship bed he has now instead. The moment it got delivered, he told me that he wanted the treehouse bed now, and he kept that story up for three entire years. So when it was time for Finn to pick out a bed, I showed him this bed as an option and he picked it. I got lucky and found it used on facebook marketplace for a fraction of the Pottery Barn Kids price. 

Making cookies

One night, Finn asked to sleep in Fox's bed. Fox was easily convinced with the promise of him being able to sleep in my bed. It's something about the room Finn is in. When Fox was two, he started to refuse to sleep in that room, saying a man would shake his bed and he was terrified. I remember him telling me the same story about the man shaking his bed just last year, he totally remembered. And now it's Finn's turn to sleep in that room and I've been having issues getting him to sleep in there for over a year now. For now, he starts out in his big bed, but he knows he can come into my bed whenever he wakes up, which happens about 99% of the nights. 

We got a family membership to the Natural History Museum with my friend Tilly. We hadn't been in a couple of years and everyone enjoyed it.

Katie sent me this pictures of the boys getting their first pedicure. So cute.

This little guy made himself at home on my doormat for a few days. His Mama came to check on him regularly, and one day they were both gone.

Writing cards to some friends.

I started to make myself some Halloween shirts and can't wait for October!

Finn's first movie in the theater was when he was about 11 months old (Toy Story 4). We hadn't been since and Fox usually doesn't enjoy watching movies, but they both loved it.

My first time axe throwing...I sucked at it, but it was fun.

Crazy boys.
Until next month!

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