March 14, 2019

February iPhone Dump

Here are some of my favorite moments from the past month!
We attended a birthday party at a park and it was such a fun afternoon/evening. The big kids were all playing on the playground, so the mamas snapped a quick picture. I wish this park was closer to us, because it was one of the best playgrounds I've ever been to and Fox had an amazing time.

Both boys have been really into reading books lately, well...Finn is more into chewing on them!

This kid has been obsessed with legos for such a long time now. When I suggested to dump all of the legos out on his carpet to see what cool pieces we can find, he couldn't believe it and we had the best afternoon! I'm already scared about having a mobile baby soon though and have to come up with a game plan on how to prevent him to choking on all the little pieces.

Fox requested to go to Whipples Fun Center one day after school, because he wanted to ride the bumper cars with me. This is his battle face...he was really serious about it and I loved this special time with him (Finn was watching us from his stroller). 

We have a Facebook portal in the kitchen and it rotates my Facebook pictures. One day this picture of Fox's old baby room popped up and when he saw it, he said: "I didn't like this room. This is where the black troll came into my room and shook my bed!" He started talking about someone shaking his bed when he was two years old, and now, almost three years later, he still talks about it. The black troll was news to me though.

Fox's school puts on a transportation day each year, where the kids get to try out all kinds of different vehicles. Last year I wasn't able to attend because I had to work and Fox has not forgiven me about it. He has been asking me to come to his transportation day for months and when it finally arrived, he told me the best part of this day was that I would be able to come. Such a sweet boy!

Checking out the ambulance.

I hope this picture is not a glimpse into his future!

One of my friends invited me and the boys over for dinner on Valentine's Day. The boys decorated some cookies and definitely had more sugar than they usually have all week.

He loves sprinkles!

He sure loves his little brother.

Not as much as he loves Grandpa though!

We went to Aria's birthday party and they had a magician there. Fox said he didn't want to watch the magician, but as soon as the Show started, he was all about it.

Jake and Fox were hugging each other during the entire Show and were so cute together.

We played on the playground afterwards until it got dark.

This guy hasn't been feeling too well lately.

Fox's school has an event for the Pre-K classes called the Q&U Wedding. Basically it's a fake wedding ceremony between the letters Q and U, because they always go together. The kids were walking down the aisle and it was just about the cutest thing I have ever seen.
Fox asked me to take his picture, which is definitely a rare occasion these days.

He was most excited about the reception afterwards, because that meant he got to eat cake!

He was also very happy about this popcorn I got at Costco. 

At the end of February we actually had some snow in Phoenix, which never happens. Fox has not seen real snow (unless you count the time when he was seven months old), so he was super excited about it. By the time we got there, most of the snow had melted already, but he had a great time anyway.

Apparently it's hilarious to put snow balls on my head!

He wanted to style his own hair on this morning and he was so proud, especially when he received tons of compliments and attention about his hair at school. He came home that day and told me the best part of his day was that everyone asked him if he got a hair cut or had said "cool hair, Fox".

His new thing is to read books in bed by himself. I really love that and when he is done, he'll just go to sleep.

GG got him some special dairy free ice cream!

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