August 19, 2018

Fox's First Day of Pre-K

This big kid was so ready for his first day of Pre-K! 
He went to summer camp at his school all summer long, so his first day wasn't a huge adjustment for him, besides the fact that he got two new teachers.
Last year, there were two 3-year old classes and we were told that they would mix those classes up for the two Pre-K classes, so we were praying all summer long that Fox would still be with his best friend Dylan after the summer. I was so anxious when we went to his "Meet the teachers" event the day before school started and it couldn't have been more perfect, because he not only got the two teachers I was hoping for, he is also still in the same class as his three best friends from last year. 

He was so excited to be "the biggest kid in school" (Pre-K is the oldest class they have at his preschool) and every day when I pick him up, he asks me if he can stay longer and if I can pick him up much later the next day. We just love his school and it makes me so happy that he does too!

This picture makes me tear up a little...when did he get so big? It's true what they say: The days are long, but the years are short!


  1. I just cannot with the Class of 2032 photo! The smile is PERFECT! Where did you get that shirt?!?!

    1. Thanks! I had to buy this smile with a! Got the shirt on Etsy!


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