The older I get, the more I realize how important Family is. Family is the most important thing in my life and I feel truly blessed by the two families I can call my own and by the amazing people in them. Je älter ich werde, desto mehr merke ich, wie wichtig Familie ist. Familie ist das Wichtigste in meinem Leben und fuer die beiden Familien, die ich meine eigene nennen kann und fuer die tollen Menschen in ihnen bin ich so unglaublich dankbar. My first family at home: I miss them more than words could ever describe. Many of you will know how hard it is to be so far away from "home", only get to visit every other year or so and keeping relationships alive with weekly phone calls. It can be tough, but you also realize that it doesn't really matter if you live 2 or 2000 miles apart, nothing will ever change. In the good way. I love my crazy family. I love the fact that I can call my mom in the middle of night just to tell her that I miss her, love how she puts her ow...