April 05, 2021

January iPhone Dump

Some of my favorite pictures from the month of January.
Finn LOVES bacon. Some days he will eat six pieces in one sitting. One morning we were laying in bed, talking about what we should eat for breakfast, and he said: "I stay in bed, you make the bacon!" He makes me laugh every day.

After ten months of schooling at home, Fox finally went back to in person learning after Winter break. He was a little nervous on his first day of school, and so was I. His school had torn down their entire campus and built a brand new school, so we had no idea where he had to go, or who was in his class. And because of Covid, parents weren't allowed on campus, so he had to figure it out himself. 
When I picked him up, he told me that he had such a great day that he didn't want to leave, and we celebrated with ice cream, like we always do on the first day of school.

And while Finn didn't go to school, he benefited from having a big brother who did.

He discovered water colors this month, but just like every other time he wants to paint, it only lasted about two minutes before he was done.

I can't with this precious face! He is the cutest!

We hadn't visited the aquarium in over a year, but I had read on facebook from other moms that it's not crowded at all, so we ventured out one afternoon after we picked up Fox at school.

Finn absolutely loved it and ever since this time, he asks almost every day to go back. We have a lifetime membership, so we go about 2-3 times a week after we drop off Fox in the morning. He can't get enough.

It's always a good day when you get donuts!

Another "post-quarantine" first, visiting Skyzone again.

We found a new restaurant in Phoenix that had all sorts of movie props and it was really cool, but a little overpriced.

I don't sleep well when he sleeps with me because he always has to be right on top of me. But to be honest, I also don't sleep well when they are with Katie, so I'm not complaining. He's only little once.

We made a lot of apple carrot juice this month.

They don't always play together, but when they do, my heart bursts into a million pieces.

Reading some books with Grandma.

It was Martin Luther King day and the kids had no school, so we spent all day at my friend's Becky house. 
On the way there, Fox claimed that he didn't want to play with the girls and asked if we could leave after half an hour. I told him yes, if he wanted to leave after half an hour to just let me know and we would go. Seven hours later I had to drag both of them out of there, it was a fun day for everyone.

This only lasted for about 5 seconds, but I'm happy I captured the moment.

Grandma and Grandpa invited us to eat dinner at Johnny Rockets with them. I hadn't been there in years, but ever since this day we have gone there numerous times because Fox claims it's his favorite restaurant now. 

We started doing movie nights in my bed on the weekends, but little brother couldn't hang.

Another trip to the aquarium.

Fox has to read for 20 minutes each night and I love when Finn listens to him read.

Getting ready for Easter a few months early.

This was a first for me. I donated some blood and passed out. I guess didn't eat enough that day? It was my first time donating and I have donated a few times since, and luckily this hasn't happened again. 

Fox's friend Wyatt celebrated his 7th birthday at Medieval Times with just a few friends and Fox was so happy to be invited. We went to Medieval Times in December 2019 and he had asked me numerous times since to go back. It wasn't my weekend with the kids, but I asked to have Fox for a few hours. I always love when I get to spend some one on one time with him and do something special.

The boys had a blast.

I can't believe this was over two months ago, because it felt like last week. Time is flying by!

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