One day after work, Fox and I met up with our friends Kristy and Jake for some more Pumpkin Patch Fun!
Jake was so sweet wanting to hold Fox's hand, but Fox was not having it!
I don't know what they're doing here, but this picture cracks me up!
We took the hay ride to the pumpkin patch! And look at these clouds, aren't they glorious? It was the first overcast day in a long time and finally under 100 degrees, which made the day even better! It reminded me a lot of the day last year when we were there (and how did he get so big in one short year?).
These boys were so cute together. Fox doesn't like to play with a lot of kids, but he LOVED Jake and they kept running around the patch together and having fun.
We took the train back and they both loved it!
Look at these giant pumpkins! Kristy and I were joking that they were big enough to carve and put the boys in it, just like we did two years ago! Ha!
Come on cute are they?
We checked out the hay maze next, but they didn't really know what to do
Anything with water is always a "milking" this cow.
Or the duck races
It was seriously such a fun afternoon and I couldn't stop smiling. I love my life!
In einer Welt, in der ständig gemeckert und gemotzt und gelitten und gekämpft wird, ist es etwas wunderschönes, wenn jemand ehrlich sagen kann, dass er sein Leben liebt! Ich wünsch dir, dass es ewig so bleibt!