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May iPhone dump

Some of my favorite moments of May that haven't made it on the blog yet. May has been such an incredible month and I wish I could turn back time and do it all over again. Between graduating from nursing school and all the celebrations that came with that, Fox's 10th birthday, Finn's Kindergarten graduation, and all the sweet little moments in between, it was a month I will never forget. 

Kindergarten Homework for this cutie, he is very smart, but hates doing it.

This was my favorite view at school, right when you exited the building. This was the place where we met up with friends during breaks, and after every exam, and I wanted to take a picture to remember this special place. 

Making paper airplanes has been a new favorite for him.

This was two days before I took my final exam, and I probably should've been studying, but having an ice cream date with the boys sounded much more fun.

He loves to make us laugh.

While Finn and I were getting ready for bed, I asked him to do some things, like put HIS dirty clothes in the laundry, and get HIS pajamas on. He asks: “When are you going to start doing things for ME?!?!?” This was his face when I told him he needed to brush his own teeth! I might have to save the picture for his high school graduation haha.

This was a very special day with some very special people. After we completed a very hard final exam, some of us decided to blow off some steam with games and drinks at Dave and Busters, and wait for the grades together.

It was such a blast. We were all nervous wrecks, and when the grades finally started to roll in on our phones, it was INCREDIBLE to get the news together. I wish someone had recorded it. There were screams, high fives, hugs, tears, and luckily we all got the news that we passed together. We started the first semester of nursing school with 65 students, and out of those students, only 30 made it to graduation. 

Nursing school was hard, but honestly, I already miss it, the routine of it, and seeing my friends a few times a week.

We started the morning in a lecture hall at 7am, and ended celebrating at 11pm that night. It was so, so special. 

The celebrations continued on the next day!

Finn is all about "snacky plates" and he made this plate for himself and was very proud of it.

I turned 43 in May, but since I had a graduation party just a few days prior, I decided not to do anything for my birthday.

This guy turned 10, and his only wish was for Katie to cook him some Filet Mignon and invite some of the family. He is an introvert, and didn't want a big party with friends, or hurt anyone's feelings by not inviting them.
I surprised him with a special trip for just him and I to Orlando, Florida, to visit Harry Potter world. He was so excited, and I'm really looking forward to spending some quality time with just him.

Great Grandma cut his cake for him. He didn't even want us to sing "Happy Birthday" to him.

He loves every kind of dog, but unfortunately is very allergic to them. This is one of the dogs that he has at Katie's house.

Fox instructed Finn through a yoga lesson with him, and Finn was really into it.

He sure looks happy that we did a Starbucks run!

Fox went on a special date with just Grandma and Grandpa.

I watched my friend's son one day, and took all the boys to In n Out. The big kids wanted to sit at their own table.

We drove to the bus stop and thirty seconds before Finn got on the school bus, he tells me that he lost a tooth, hands it to me, and steps on the bus. No big deal, Mom! This was his third tooth.

This melted my heart. They fight like only brothers do, but they also love each other fiercely.

Working on some summer work sheets before summer even started.

Finn graduated Kindergarten and I loved being part of it. Fox graduated Kindergarten during Covid, so he didn't get a graduation. Finn received the "Spunky Spirit" personality award.

The very last day of school, and we walked to their "Moving up ceremony" together.

Fox and his best friend.

Finn and this girl were so cute together, constantly holding hands and hugging each other. 

I took a short trip to Sedona at the end of May.

And now it's summer break, and we have a long ten weeks ahead of us. Trying to keep them busy with activities and staying out of the heat as much as we can. They have a trip planned with Katie later this month, and just the thought of being away from them for ten days sets my stomach in knots.

We had some friends over to swim in the pool and everyone had so much fun!
And that wraps up a very busy, but beautiful May!


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