Day 197 Being 2 is tough. Especially when it's 5:30 in the morning and you realize it's already light out...yep, that's right, major meltdown because it wasn't dark outside. Haha. Day 198 Another Home Show Weekend at Work! Day 199 Fox came to visit us at the Show and I had to take his picture by the giant 2 at the entrance. Good thing they also have a number 3 for when he turns 3 next year! :) Day 200 Fox and I rode our bicycles to Jamba Juice. Well, I rode, while he was in the backseat, warning every car: "Watch out cars, I'm coming! Wheee...this is so fun!" Day 201 Hannah took Fox to a Meet and Greet with his idols! She said he was blown away! Day 202 When 7am is the only acceptable time to spend outside. Day 203 I can't remember if I mentioned it before, but Fox didn't like his group swim lessons, so we recently switched him to another swim school and enrolled him in semi-private lessons (2...