I guess it's fair to say that it's always a bad sign, when your washer and dryer starts to eat your clothes, ripping holes in them left and right and the clothes don't really come out any cleaner than when you put them in. Well, I guess that's what you get when you buy them used and abuse them for three more years. We have a huge "to do" list of house projects we would like to get done and we were actually saving to get our house painted, but when Katie's new sweater came out of the dryer with four quarter size holes in it, she readily agreed to let our HOA complain for a little bit longer about the age of our housepaint and go shopping for a new washer and dryer instead. I've been dreaming for some frontloaders for quite some time and when I knew I was getting new machines, I was beyond excited and I just knew I had to go all the way and do a complete laundry room makeover. This is the piece of crap I had to deal with, I took the picture afte...