My friend Kristy invited us to join her and Jake for some farm fun about 1.5 hours from Phoenix. It was such a perfect day, because it was up north, so the temperature dropped about 20 degrees and Fox even commented that it was chilly when we first got there.
We hadn't seen them since before the pandemic started and watching them run towards each other and hugging was such a sweet thing to witness.
It wasn't busy at all, in fact, when we first arrived, we were the only people there.
Finn loves balls and was excited to find one, but didn't understand why he wasn't able to walk away with it.
We've been to this farm once with Kristy and Jake during pumpkin patch season in 2017 and I remember them jumping on this exact jumping pad like it was yesterday, but all of the sudden they are three years older...time is a thief.
But this time, we had this guy with us for his first jumping pad experience. He is definitely more timid than Fox ever was, so it worked out in his favor that there were no other kids around.
You know...just some meditating in between all of the playtime fun.
I asked them if I could take their picture together and Jake told me that I was only allowed to, if he could come to our house afterwards. They are both Master Negotiators!
We picked some strawberries, which we had never done before and all of the kids loved it, but especially this one.
It was a few days before Jake's birthday, so we celebrated with some brownies and had a picnic lunch.
We took a picture at this exact spot three years ago, which you can see HERE...I can't believe how much they've grown!
Where did Finn go? he is! (That game gets never old)
We stayed for about four hours, had some ice cream and then hit the road right on time for Finn's nap. It was so good to see them and I truly hope that we don't have to wait another five months before our next playdate. Pumpkin season is coming up soon!!!
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