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11 Weeks Pregnancy Update

January 24, 2018
How far along:
11 weeks

Baby is the size of a:
One of my pregnancy apps says lime, one says Brussel sprout, so that’s a huge difference in my book.

Total weight gain:
8lbs? Kind of shocked, but I shouldn’t be surprised. At this point I just eat what sounds good, because nothing really appeals to me right now.

Maternity Clothes?
I haven’t worn maternity pants since last week, just leggings all day, every day. It’ll be a long time before I have to bust out the maternity shirts I think.

Stretch Marks?

Still sleeping bad. Nausea is at its peak every night, so I’m having a hard time falling asleep. But I refuse to take more anti nausea medication at night, if I’m just going to sleep anyway. Still having vivid dreams and having to use the bathroom twice a night. I usually try to be in bed by 9pm and sleep until 7am.

Best moment of the Week:
These all sound stupid, but this is pregnant life right here:
  •       Picking up Fox from my mother in law’s house and she has tacos for me
  •       Katie taking Fox to a play place for 4 hours this weekend, so I could nap
  •       Going longer between meals without getting sick
I also found the heartbeat on my Doppler for the first time this week, at 10w2d. Hearing it made me so relieved, because I have been freaking myself out. Four weeks in between appointments is a long time.

Too early.

Food Cravings:
Pizza this week! I also craved my mother in law’s tacos for a few weeks now and tomato sandwiches.

Belly Button in or out:

I took my blood test today, so we should know by next week what we are having. Although there is no doubt in my mind that it’s a boy. The pregnancy seems identical so far, the cravings are very similar and I just feel very strongly about a boy. This week, Fox picked out a new name for him, Planet. Bummer, because Jetpack kind of grew on me…haha!

Pretty much the same. The nausea seems to be a little better this week, especially in the mornings, but I’m still taking my meds. It gets bad at night and I also get headaches almost every night. The exhaustion is what gets me most though, it’s awful. I finally found an ounce of energy in me this week to take the Christmas tree down. And do some dishes and laundry. I felt like supermom afterwards…haha! Getting a little bit of pregnancy acne as well, which is later than what I got with Fox and so far (knock on wood), not as bad. Cramping is still going strong at night as well. Have I mentioned that I don’t like being pregnant?

Anything Making you queasy or Sick?
Driving, laying down at night, not eating.

Have you Started to Show yet?
I’m getting there. The growing belly is the only thing I like about this stage right now.

What I miss:
Being active and able to do things. Sleeping good.

What I'm looking forward to:
Our next ultrasound next week and our gender reveal. I’m a little nervous though, not about the gender, but hearing back about the genetics and hopefully everything comes back normal.

What I'm not looking forward to:
Every day is a struggle, just waiting for the moment I feel somewhat better.

You can find Fox’s 11 weeks pregnancy update HERE!

And check this of my best friends is pregnant with her second baby as well! I'm so happy to have a partner in crime through all of this and we share symptoms, ultrasound pictures and our overall misery almost daily. I can't wait to see our babies grow up together, just like our first borns did! So incredibly special!


  1. Liebe Nadine!
    Erstmal herzlichen Glückwunsch zur Schwangerschaft! Jedes Kind ist ein Geschenk!
    Ich folge deiner bzw. eurer Reise jetzt schon sehr lange und habe auch lange überlegt, ob ich diesen Kommentar schreiben soll...
    Ich verstehe einfach nicht, warum du dir diese 2. SS denn überhaupt antust, wenn du es so sehr hasst, schwanger zu sein? Ich meine, du beklagst dich in fast jedem Post darüber, wie schlecht ihr in der KiWu-Klinik behandelt wurdet, über die immensen Kosten, darüber, dass dir dauernd schlecht ist und du dich miserabel fühlst...ich kann ja nachvollziehen, wie schlimm die Übelkeit ist (litt in meiner SS unter HG), aber ich verstehe dein Motiv für ein 2. Kind dann nicht...

    1. Die Schwangerschaft dauert nur 9 Monate und jedes Kind ist es wert, die Symptome für solange hinzunehmen. Sobald das Kind geboren ist, vergisst man (zum groessten Teil) was man durchgemacht hat, aber hat für den Rest seines Lebens soviel Freude an dem Kind.
      Ich wusste, dass es die Schwangerschaft nicht leicht werden würde und ja, ich habe es gehasst, mit der Klinik zu arbeiten, aber das würde mich nie daran hindern dieses Kind zu bekommen. Nicht alles im Leben ist einfach, aber es ist es auf jeden Fall wert!

    2. Danke für die Antwort und die Erklärung!


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