My heart is heavy today, after staring at negative pregnancy tests for the last three days. Just waiting for that second line to show up, but it never does. I haven't taken a home pregnancy test in over four years, but when I did, all the feelings came rushing back from a time in my life that almost broke me. I've seen so many of these tests and it always happens the same way. I stare at them, I hold them up to the light, trying to make out a second line that isn't there, throw them in the trash, just to take them out of the trash again an hour later to check again. My blood draw isn't until tomorrow, but I have no doubt in my mind that the results will be the same. During our last cycle in February, I didn't test at home, but hearing the bad news from that rude nurse was so hard on me, that I decided I had to get the answers on my own terms and in my own time. Now all I want to do is move on, but they wo...