Day 162
Splash Pad Fun
Day 163
Everyone gets a check up at our house these days! They all need to come in the "string circle", followed by Fox asking "What's the problem?", a check up, medicine and stickers for good behavior.
Day 164
He is always the happiest when he is spending time with Grandpa!
Day 165
He will hate me for this picture later, won't he? He is doing so awesome at potty training and will tell us each and every time he has to go, no matter what he's doing (in this case, swimming). So proud of this dude.
Day 166
We've been spending almost every night in the pool after work! We got Fox some floaties this year and he is enjoying his independence!
Day 167
Someone is ready to go back to Disneyland soon! We are going in October and I can't wait!
Day 168
Swim Lessons! He hasn't been enjoying the lessons lately, so we are thinking about getting him private lessons instead. There is a lot of diving in these classes, which he hates.
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