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Week 26

February 1st, 2014

How far along:
26 weeks

Baby is the size of a:
Head of Lettuce! Baby Boy weighs 2lbs and is about 14 inches long! 

Total weight gain:
I stepped on the scale today and either I gained a shitload of weight or my scale is broken. I’m going with the theory that the scale is broken and wait for my next weigh in at the doctor’s office! Ha!

Maternity Clothes?
Nothing new. Every week I have to retire more and more clothes from my closet, all of my shirts are either getting too tight or too short!

Stretch Marks?
The other day, Katie asked me if she could tell me something without me getting upset. She then admitted that she saw some stretchmarks on my backside, I guess you can also call it the muffintop area. I never even thought of putting my stretchmark cream there! Oh well, I’m sure that’s not the last of it! 

This week, I barely even got up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom...I have no idea why, but I’m enjoying it while I can! Still having crazy dreams though!  

Best moment of the Week:
Taking our hospital tour and finding out more about labor and delivery! There were only 5 couples including us and one was also a same sex couple, which felt nice for once, not being different from everybody else!
It was very intimidating at the same time though, seeing all of the equipment and learning about hospital procedures, we both felt queasy and I started to get panicky thinking about what’s going to happen in three short months!  

He was kicking me hard this week! He is especially active in the morning while I’m at work and at night, when I try to go to sleep! Little stinker!

Food Cravings:
Nothing unusual. 

Belly Button in or out:
Still in...barely though!

Sweet baby boy!

Same as last week: Pregnancy acne and having back and rib pains. It’s also getting hard for me to bend down to pick something up and I’m getting out of breath easily.

Anything Making you queasy or Sick?
Feeling great! I read that morning sickness might come back in the third trimester and I’m not ready for that at all!

Have you Started to Show yet?
I can’t believe how big I am already! Katie’s sister commented this week: Dang Girl, look at that belly! :)

What I miss:
Same as last week: My clear skin and sleeping comfortably. Especially sleeping on my back or stomach! 

What I'm looking forward to:
Our baby shower! We went over some of the details with Rene’ (who is hosting the shower for us) this week and it made me really excited to celebrate our little boy with our family and friends!

What I'm not looking forward to:

Weekly Wisdom:
Knowledge is Power...although the Hospital Tour freaked me out a little, I’m glad to know what to expect!  

Wie weit:
26 Wochen

Baby ist so gross wie ein:
Kopf Salat! Das Baby wiegt nun 1kg und ist ca. 35.5 cm lang!

Insgesamte Gewichtszunahme:
Ich habe mich heute morgen gewogen und entweder habe ich eine Unmenge zugenommen oder meine Waage ist kaputt. Ich geh einfach mal davon aus, dass die Waage kaputt ist und warte auf meinen naechsten Arzttermin, um mich wiegen zu lassen! Ha!

Nichts Neues. Jede Woche kann ich weniger Klamotten aus meinem Kleiderschrank anziehen, alle meine Oberteile sind entweder zu eng oder zu kurz! 

Katie fragte mich diese Woche ob sie mir etwas sagen koennte, ohne, dass ich mich aufregen wuerde. Sie gab dann zu, dass sie auf meiner Hinterseite ueberm Po Schwangerschaftsstreifen sehen konnte. Hier nennt man den Bereich “Muffin Top”, mir faellt ausser Speckrolle kein anderes deutsches Wort ein...haha. Ich haette nicht gedacht, dass ich mich dort mit meiner speziellen Creme einschmieren muesste. Naja, ich bin mir sicher, dass dies nicht die letzten Schwangerschaftsstreifen sein werden!

Diese Woche musste ich nachts fast gar nicht zur Toilette....ich habe keine Ahnung wieso, aber ich geniesse es, solange ich kann. Ich habe ausserdem immer noch verrueckte Traeume!  

Bester Moment der Woche:
Unsere Krankenhaustour und mehr ueber die Entbindung zu erfahren. Wir waren mit fuenf Paaren dort und wir waren nicht das einzige lesbische Paar, was sehr schoen war, denn zum ersten Mal waren nicht “anders”.
Die Tour war allerdings auch sehr einschuechternd, wir wurden ueber alle moeglichen Geraete und ueber verschiedene Verfahren aufgeklaert. Uns wurde beide mulmig zumute und ich geriet in leichte Panik, als ich darueber nachdachte, was dort in drei Monaten passieren wuerde!

Bewegungen des Babys:
Diese Woche hat er mich ganz schoen hart getreten! Er ist vorallem morgens auf der Arbeit und Nachts, wenn ich schlafen will, super aktiv. Der kleine Stinker!   

Nichts ungewoehnliches.  

Bauchnabel drinnen oder draussen:
Noch drinnen...aber nicht mehr lange!

Ein Junge!

Wie letzte Woche: Schwangerschaftsakne, Rueckenschmerzen und Schmerzen in meinen Rippen. Es faellt mir nun auch sehr schwer, mich zu buecken, um etwas aufzuheben und ich gerate leicht ausser Atem.

Gibt es etwas, wovon dir schlecht wird?
Nein, ich fuehle mich super! Ich habe gelesen, dass im letzten Drittel der Schwangerschaft die Uebelkeit wiederkommen kann und ich bin absolut nicht bereit dafuer.

Kann man dir die Schwangerschaft ansehen?
Ich kann manchmal gar nicht glauben, wie gross mein Bauch ist! Katie’s Schwester meinte diese Woche zu mir: “Dang Girl...look at that belly!” 

Was ich vermisse:
Genau wie letzte Woche: Meine reine Haut und gut zu schlafen. Vorallem, dass ich nicht mehr auf dem Ruecken oder Bauch schlafen darf.

Worauf ich mich freue:
Unsere Baby Shower! Diese Woche haben wir uns mit Rene getroffen (die die Party fuer uns organisiert) um alle Einzelheiten zu besprechen und ich freue mich schon sehr darauf, unseren kleinen Mann mit unserer Familie und unseren Freunden zu feiern! 

Worauf ich mich nicht freue:

Wöchentliche Weisheit:
Wissen ist Macht...obwohl die Krankenhaustour mir etwas Angst gemacht hat, bin ich doch froh zu wissen, was ich zu erwarten habe!    

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  1. I've been debating whether or not to do a hospital tour. With almost everything in life, I like to know what is ahead to prepare myself. But because the hospital I plan to deliver at isn't the nicest, I'm afraid it will make me upset if the rooms are not great. I feel like I'm being pretentious at times but I also don't want to spend the next 9 weeks visualizing a place that I don't feel comfortable in. :/
    Were you a little freaked because labor is scary (& coming soon!) or because of the facility?
    Hope you're feeling well! :)
    xo kristen genevieve

    1. Yes, definitely scared because labor is coming so soon and seeing all the machines and equipment freaked me out! Our hospital is actually really nice, the rooms were beautiful and they even have a spa in there, where you can book massages and manicures and they come to your room!
      We didn't have much choice regarding the hospital and unfortunately this is the most expensive one in Phoenix (we have to pay everything out of pocket), but our Obgyn only delivers in two hospitals and the other one (while it was cheaper) is a catholic hospital and wouldn't be very gay friendly, so he recommended for us to go to this one.
      I get your point though, hopefully it won't be as bad as you think it will be! The good news is that we only have to spend a couple of days in that place and then the real scary part begins: bringing a baby home! :)

    2. That's amazing that there is a spa and everything! It really stinks about paying out of pocket though. I have a feeling the machines would not give me any comfort either!!
      I also feel like I didn't have much of a choice in doctors or hospitals, mostly because of where we live. I had been reading about how to avoid a c-section and found out that a woman's hospital & birthing team are one of the greatest factors in whether she'll be pushed into a c-section. Then I found out the hospital I'm delivering at has the highest c-section rate in the state! I am so bummed and wish I would've considered other options earlier in my pregnancy. All I feel like I can do now is prepare myself and my husband to be willing to fight doctors if they're pushing things I don't want. :/ I definitely want things to be different in future pregnancies. But you're right, its only a few days of life and then you get to bring home a baby! So there is a light at the end!
      Thanks for your reply. There are just so many decisions to make in pregnancy and its nice to have someone to talk to who is going through the same things! :)


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