We call Zuma our "chicken". He is afraid of EVERYTHING! He jumps at the smallest touch that he is not expecting, he only goes up the stairs if no one else in going up and the dog gate is his worst enemy. It might have something to do with the fact that he got his head stuck in the rails when he was still a puppy. He was all by himself and when Katie came home she found him in there, whining, she said it was heart breaking. Who knows how long he was stuck...poor guy. Most days he makes it through okay, barely, but he makes it, but at least once a week, he just totally freaks out and bolts through the OPEN gate like a maniac and this is how we find it then. Wir nennen Zuma unseren "Angsthasen" . Er hat vor allem Angst ! Er springt bei der kleinsten Berührung, die er nicht erwartet hat , er geht nur die Treppe hinauf , wenn sonst niemand auf der Treppe ist und das Hundetor ...