How is it already November? I feel like it was just time to put our Halloween decorations out and now they are already packed away until next year! So let's see what else we did in October besides going to Pumpkin Patches every weekend! Fox was off school one day, so we invited his friend Dylan over for a playdate by himself. These boys played so good together, Dylan was here for over six hours and the playroom was wrecked afterwards, but it was so fun for both of them. Fox is really into building legos these days! This sweaty mess was so proud that he got a ribbon after Ninja Training for doing a good job during the class! When we combined two small rooms to make a bigger bedroom for Fox two years ago, we lost our guest room, so we decided to turn our unused dining room into my office and included a wall bed for guests. It’s my favorite space in the house now! I told Fox he could pick one thing when we went to Hobby Lobby and this is what he p...