May 27, 2018

Fox's 4th Birthday Interview

Another year has come and gone and it's a hard realization for any mom that your baby is growing up. How in the world do I have a four year old? FOUR!
I asked Fox the same questions last year and I love seeing how some of the answers changed and some stayed the same. 

1. How old are you? 4
2. Who is your best friend? Dylan and Lyndon
3. What is your favorite thing to do? Play iPad
4. What is your favorite color? Red
5. What is your favorite food? Ice Cream
6. What do you like to do with your family? Go on vacations. Because the only vacation I want to go on is Legoland California.
7. What is your favorite toy? Power Ranger Headquarters
8. What do you want to be when you grow up? Astronaut
9. What makes you happy? Going to the trampoline park
10. What makes you sad? When it's rainy and I can't go outside
11. What is your favorite Show to watch? PJ Masks
12. What is your favorite book? Super friends
13. What do you love to learn about? What different toys do
14. What was the best part of your birthday? Dodging Fire Balls
15. What was your favorite birthday present? Batman Headquarters (from Dylan)
16. Who is your teacher? Miss Jordyn and Miss Kat
17. Where do you like to go? In n Out
18. What is your favorite treat? Chocolate
19. What do you think about before you fall asleep? Thinking about playing with Grandpa
20. What does love mean? Love you
21. What is your favorite song? Big Chicken

You can find his third birthday interview here!


  1. How in the world do you get him to answer all these questions?
    E would probably say Idk to at least have of them.

    1. I must have caught him on a good day. A lot of times I would get "I don't know" as well. I tried to make it a fun game. By the end, he kept asking me though "How many more questions are there? This is taking a long time!" Haha


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