December 29, 2016

Christmas Eve 2016

I can't believe Christmas is over! I feel like I just decorated and now it's already time to pack everything away until next year. This season flew by faster than usual!
We had a wonderful Christmas Weekend!
Christmas Eve we spent at Katie's mom's house, just like last year. 
She aways has one gift for Fox to open at the beginning of the night, and I'd say this year's present was a huge success!

Playing in his "cave"!

Notice the photo bomb!

Writing a letter to Santa!

My favorite moment from that night was when Grandpa showed up. Fox wasn't expecting him there and when he saw him he got the biggest smile on his face and yelled across the room: "Grandpa! Grandpa! Grandpa!" He was so excited, it seriously melted everyone's heart.

He just loves his grandpa so much!

Another photo bomb!

I pulled up the Santa tracker on Rene's laptop and Fox thought it was so cool!

I'll be so sad when he's too old to believe in Santa!

If you wonder where Fox was, he was laying in front of us on the carpet pouting, because he didn't want to be in the picture. I guess he also didn't want us to take the picture without him, because he kept pouting. 

You might remember that Fox has food allergies. So at Katie's birthday in October, Rene' made her a birthday cake, not thinking that Fox couldn't have it. When it came out and Fox found out that it had dairy in it, he said in his saddest little voice: "What about me, Grandma? You don't have any cake for me?" Grandma felt so bad, that she swore she would always have some special (dairy and egg free) treat for him. So on Christmas Eve, Fox did not receive one, but two special desserts, one from each of his grandmas. We only eat desserts for special occasions, so this was a special treat for him!

And don't worry, he didn't eat that cake all by himself!

And then it was time to open some presents!

We had one very excited boy on our hands!

What we usually do is all sit in a circle after the presents are passed out, and then every person gets to open one gift and we go around until all the gifts are opened. This way, everyone can see what everyone received and it's always a lot of fun. 
We started out this way this year as well until we realized two hours in, that we were way too many people and that we would be sitting there until the next morning, so we ended by opening all at the same time.
Since Fox doesn't need any more toys at our house, he received a lot of gifts to play with at Grandma's house, because he'll be spending two afternoons each week with her starting in January!

We didn't get home until 10pm that night and Fox was almost losing it, so we put out some milk, cookies and carrots quickly and called it a night!


  1. Based on your post does that mean Hannah is going back to Germany?

    1. Yes, she is! Fox will start school five mornings a week next week!

    2. Oh sad! :(
      But I guess he'll like school as much as staying home.

  2. Hallo Nadine

    Ich spiele auch mit dem Gedanken mit meiner Frau in die USA auszuwandern.
    Ganz besonders hat mir Page (in Arizona) gefallen.

    Doch ich weiss nicht an welchen Ort es für uns am Einfachsten wäre sich zu integrieren und wo man die besten Jobchancen hat.

    Hast du in den USA viele Deutsche als Freunde oder mehr Amerikaner?
    Wie einfach oder schwer ist es sich dort einzuleben?

    Wenn du möchtest kannst du mich bei Facebook finden:

    Über Erfahrungsberichte von anderen Auswandern würde ich mich natürlich auch freuen.

    Lieben Gruss


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