Health: Healthy as can be! Nicknames: Big Honey, Baby Honey, Bubba, Schatzi, Bubbles, Mr. Fox, Foxy, Pumpkin, Stinky Butts, Poodle, Big Huns Eating: I nurse Fox first thing in the morning, he gets 2 bottles (6oz each) while I’m at work (which I’m now trying to cut to one bottle by spacing out the feeding time to 4 hours), I nurse him when I get back home and then again before bedtime. This month, I also dreamfed Fox once per night (at 1am), but I decided to try letting him go without any food at night and see how he does. The dreamfeed was more for me than him, just to know that he’s not hungry when he cries in the middle of the night. Hopefully I can report that he made the transition smoothly when I update again next month, so far it's been a week and he's been doing great! He eats three solid meals a day and maybe a snack in between. He’s been doing so much better with trying different foods and actually liking other things than carbs. K...