I started making wreaths about two years ago. For myself, family and friends. So when Katie told me to sell them on Etsy , I didn't think anyone would ever buy them, but this week, I've spent the last 5 nights making wreaths, since I've had 6 orders in the last 2 weeks. After everything is said and done, I don't make much money, but I love making them! Rene', Katie's mom, told me she would give me a free booth at one of our Shows to sell them, but it'll probably take me a full year to make enough to sell at a Show, and then I would have to find someone to work the booth for me. I better get started...haha! Ich habe vor etwa zwei Jahren angefangen Kraenze zu basteln. Für mich selbst, Familie und Freunde. Als Katie mir sagte, dass ich sie auf Etsy verkaufen sollte, dachte ich nicht, dass irgendjemand sie jemals kaufen wuerde, aber diese Woche verbrachte ich jeden Abend damit zu basteln, weil ich in den letzten 2 Wochen 6 Aufträge hatte . Ich ver...