I really struggled with this one. When Fox turned one, we had a huge birthday party for him. While I would've liked the same for Finn, he didn't have baby friends like Fox did and with everything going on this year, I also didn't feel like throwing a party. I felt guilty over it for months leading up to the day. I kind of tried to justify it, thinking that we would go to Disneyland and the beach the week before his birthday, so that would be his birthday party. It's been two months since he turned one and honestly, I don't even remember what we did that day. Insert Mom Guilt here. Katie decided to have a little birthday celebration for him at her house a week later and invited me. It turned out that me and one set of grandparents were the only people in attendance. I didn't want to miss his "party" and seeing him eat his cake, but I was really struggling with my feelings of being in that house. It just didn't feel right and made me s...