A few of my favorite moments from August! Meet the teacher for the boys! I received this picture from Katie's wife, such a sweet bond they have. I'm also loving how his pajamas are inside out...haha. Walter came back to spend a few days with us! We watched him last summer, and the boys kept talking about him, so we were all so excited when his mom asked us to watch him for a few days. Notice Finn pouting. He was upset that Walter "only pays attention to Fox". So many big emotions in such a tiny body. Mr. Cool Guy at his dentist check up and teeth cleaning! I was trying to get some work done in my office, but this guy needed some attention. Finn made a bed for them, so they could sleep together. In the end, no one wanted to sleep there, but he was so happy to cuddle with Walter for a bit. My friend got me some comedy tickets to see "Nurse John", so I invited my two besties, and two of my old classmates, and we had a blast, he was so funny. We even got VIP acc
This year I have a first and a fifth grader! Aww, he was so tiny in the first picture in Pre-K! Last year of elementary school for this big kid, and Mama is not ready for middle school next year. The boys had a great start to their school year, still taking the bus every day, and while no one is a fan of going to school around here, they seem to like their teachers and classes so far. I'm glad to be getting back to more of a routine for them (and me), because let me just tell you...summer was rough! Haha.