December 02, 2013

Thanksgiving in Mexico

Last Thanksgiving we were on our Family Cruise to the Caribbean. And while it was an awesome trip, what I remember most about it, is the fact, that I wasn't allowed to eat anything and had to work out every day, give myself shots twice a day and take about 25 pills. It was rough, but all I thought about was the possibility of having a little baby sitting with us at the next Thanksgiving table. And while that wasn't the case this year, we have so much to be thankful for! Supportive families, great jobs, a roof over our heads, enough food on the table, our crazy dogs and our health. And then there is this….

Letztes Jahr waren wir waehrend Thanksgiving auf einer Familien Kreuzfahrt durch die Karibik. Und obwohl es eine tolle Reise war, wenn ich daran zurueckdenke, dann denke ich meistens darueber nach, wie ich aufgrund meiner verschriebenen Diaet vom Arzt nichts essen durfte, wie ich jeden Tag ins Fitnessstudio gehen musste, wie ich mir zweimal am Tag eine Spritze geben musste und wie ich ca. 25 Tabletten am Tag nehmen musste. Es war hart, aber ich habe staendig versucht daran zu denken, dass die Moeglichkeit bestand, dass wir im naechsten Jahr zu Thanksgiving ein kleines Baby mit am Tisch sitzen haben wuerden.
Das war zwar dieses Jahr nicht der Fall, aber es gibt soviel, worueber wir dankbar sein koennen. Unsere Familien, die uns bei allem unterstuetzen, gute Jobs, ein Dach ueber unserem Kopf, genug zu essen, unsere verrueckten Hunde und unsere Gesundheit. Und dann ist das noch dies...

Some days, I still can't grasp that there is a tiny little boy growing in my belly. It's even harder to imagine what Thanksgiving next year will look like! I can't wait! 
We celebrated Thanksgiving with Katie's grandparents, her sister and uncle on the beach in Mexico. Zuma had a blast as usual and so did we! Here are some pictures from the weekend!

An manchen Tagen kann ich immer noch nicht glauben, dass dort ein kleiner Junge in meinem Bauch heran waechst. Es faellt mir noch schwerer, mir vorzustellen, wie unser naechstes Thanksgiving aussehen wird. Ich kann es kaum erwarten!
Wir haben Thanksgiving mit Katie's Grosseltern, ihrer Schwester und ihrem Onkel am Strand in Mexico verbracht. Zuma hatte mal wieder soviel Spass, und wir hatten den genauso! Hier sind ein paar Fotos vom Wochenende!

I hope all of you had a great Thanksgiving as well!

Ich hoffe ihr hattet auch alle ein schoenes Thanksgiving! (falls ihr es feiert! :))
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  1. Oh that bump is just fabulous!
    I can't stop thinking about Easter/Christmas and other holidays from now amazing to be able to create precious memories with and for our little babies from next year onwards.
    My mum is looking forward to going to Disneyworld with her grandchild, a place we both love.

    1. I know! I can't wait to celebrate holidays with our little boy! I love Disneyland as well, but Katie said he needs to be at least 4 so he can enjoy it…we'll see!

  2. You're getting a little baby bump, yippie! What a wonderful way to celebrate Thanksgiving. These pictures are beautiful as always and you both look so darn happy. It sounds like it was a fantastic holiday. :)

    1. Thank you! It looked like you had a great Thanksgiving as well…I wish our families were as big as yours and G's!

  3. Your Thanksgiving looks so fun! I love picturing what future holidays will be like with our little one too, I can't help it! :)
    Also - that dog is sooo beautiful! Wow. :)


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