February 06, 2019

Finn | Week 24

Finn is 24 weeks old!

And just like that, he's big enough to use his bath seat for the first time. Insert emotional Mama here.

He has been really rolling from back to tummy this week, and then he usually gets mad, because he can't roll back.

Cuddles with Big Brother

Another first this week: We retired the baby bassinet and put the toddler seat on the stroller. He loved it! Me...not so much! I'm having a hard time with this baby growing up!

Every morning, Finn and I wake up Fox together. Fox usually doesn't like to be woken up, but he doesn't mind it, when he realizes that Finn is in his bed and he can cuddle with him.

Not just a week of "firsts", but also a week of "lasts". Finn's last time at Baby Music Class, before he transitioned into the next age group. 

1 comment:

  1. Those "firsts" come along so much faster with the second one then they ever did with the first! That picture of Finn waking Fox up is just the cutest. His little hand!


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