December 02, 2014

Katie & Nadine in 2014: Week 48

 Day 330
Roadtrip to celebrate Thanksgiving with the family in Mexico... little did we know, that we would never get to eat Thanksgiving dinner and be on our way back home the next day (Long Story Short, Katie got really sick and our dog didn't behave for the dog sitter, so we left before Thanksgiving dinner)

Day 331
Mesmerized by all the pretty lights!

Day 332
Are you sick of remodeling pictures yet? Because I am. We're both so done with the mess and to be confined in our Master Bedroom...let's hope they wrap this up soon! Here you can see how they filled in the area before the fireplace, which used to go down two steps.

Day 333
First day eating green beans...he hated them. We tried a few more days, but he dry heaved every single time, so we switched to sweet potatoes, which he is not a fan of either, but we haven't given up on those yet. 

Day 334
Our big boy got his first two bottom teeth! 

Day 335
No more round southwestern fireplace...yay!

Day 336
 Talking away...this boy has a lot to say!
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  1. Euer Junge ist wirklich Zucker! <3
    Erzieht ihr ihn zweisprachig?

    1. Ja, ich versuche ausschliesslich deutsch mit ihm zu sprechen und Katie spricht natürlich englisch. :)

  2. versucht doch mal Brokkoli. Unserer liebt es!


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